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Writer's pictureLaura Lunn

The App World

Calorie Counter & Diet Tracker by MyFitnessPal.png

The up and coming app market is still booming, and becoming increasingly useful. Instead of downloading games, notepads, and fitness apps that “collect dust” companies are creating apps that their consumers just can’t live without. Mitch Joel did a fantastic job describing the value of Utilitarianism Marketing and the next phase in the app world.


My Fitness Pal is an app just I just can’t live without. One of the best things about this app is it’s FREE! For being a free app it sure does great things that I would pay for. Tracking my food is probably the hardest and most important aspect of losing/maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle. It is extremely easy to use because it remembers the food you’ve eaten in the past. It has visuals of your progress, you can set goals, track your exercise, and network with other app users.

I actually received a fitness tracker for Christmas and I was soo excited to use it! It cost around $100 and to be honest, just looked really cool. It came with an app, and it did the exact same thing that my favorite app My Fitness Pal did, just 100x the price.

The value that I get from the My Fitness Pal and the amount that I use it in one day, it probably should cost money, but we will keep that on the down-low. To add to the value of this app, they also have an awesome online presence with their websites that does more than the app; for FREE!

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